Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Sometimes I like to do things backwards.  I like to climb up the stairs backwards.  (But I always hold on to the rail so I don't fall.)  Sometimes I like to sit on the toilet backwards when I go potty.  Mom tells me I am silly when I like to do things backwards.

I also like to jump.  I especially like to jump off really tall things when my daddy is there to catch me.  Mom doesn't play that game as good as daddy.  I jump off the couch and land on my feet.  I jump off the curb when I get into the car.  I jump on the floor when I dance.

I also like to go to work.  Mommy goes to work and locks me out of her bedroom.  Sometimes she lets me come in and I go to work with her.  She types on the computer and I watch her and sometimes eat some crackers or cheese.  Sometimes I sit on her bed and I work by watching Mickey Mouse.  It's really fun to go to work.  I can see why Mom does it all the time.

Mom keeps telling me that Sage's birthday is coming up.  I think it should be my birthday so I tell mom that it is my birthday and we need to have a party.  Mom tells me that my birthday is in February.  I think that must be really soon.  I am excited.

It is so hot outside right now.  I can't go on the slide in the afternoon, because it is too hot to play on the playground.  Instead, we read books inside and we play with toys like basketball and cars.  I also ride my motorcycle inside a lot.  I only get to take it outside when we play in the morning.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


Mom calls me her little monkey.  It's because I'm always climbing on things.  For example, after I go potty I climb up the sink to wash my hands, even if I don't have my stool.  I can even get a drink out of the sink the same way Daddy does by climbing up and drinking right out of the faucet.

I climb on all sorts of things.  I am really good a getting into lots of places.  I can get into the fridge.  I can climb up into the car.  I can get up on all sorts of furniture.  I am also learning how to get past some of the barriers Mom put up.  For example, if she puts the white child lock on my door to keep me in my room during my nap, I can bang it really hard and it will come off.  If I want to go up the stairs to find Mom when she shut the baby gate at the bottom of the stairs, I can sometimes shove the gate open.  I know to close the gate behind me, though, so Sage doesn't go up.

I am having so much fun with Mom and Dad this summer.  My favorite is to go see the polar bear at the zoo.
I have a toy polar bear that I like to bring with  me everywhere now.  I also make sure he is in bed with me when I go to sleep.  We sometimes go swimming or outside to ride motorcycles.  Last week I got to play with the kids in the water.  I didn't have my swimming suit on, so Mom just took off my shoes and my shirt and I played in my pants.

I am getting really good at counting.  I say:  one, two, twee, four, ive, ix, stebben, eight, nine, ten, weven, twev, thirteen, fourteen, fourteen, fourteen, fourteen".  I like to count so much sometimes I point to the same things and keep counting them with bigger numbers.  I am so good with my numbers that sometimes I ask Mom for two pickles or three potty treats.